Holograms contextualized within a series of space-time-explicit performative gestures. Brooklyn NY 2018.
December 1 –
Circle-casting Multilogue – This performance included a circle-casting involving an invocation of light and crystal intelligence as well as a multilogue which invited attendees to relate their own stories and experiences with light. A calling of the corners modified to consider physical optics was recited, followed by the encircling of the gallery, body of work, and participants with a line of mixed crystal gravel containing refuse pieces of black tourmaline, rose quartz, labradorite, clear quartz, and lapis lazuli.
December 2 –
Sol Star-light Activation – During an afternoon session the artist and participants explored the light from our local star through reflective and refractive media including: holograms, prisms, mirrors, and crystals. We discussed the life-giving properties of light and used a pile of dirt gathered from a local park to investigate our place in the ecosystem, solar system, galaxy, and universe.
December 15 –
Laser-light Séance – In a recreation of a classic spiritualist séance, the artist invoked messages and images from varying materials including objects brought by attendees. All attendees were then connected by laser light —each holding a small mirror—in a reflected-light sigil-drawing ceremony.
December 16 –
Circle-closing Epilogue – The artist, curator, and participants held a wake ceremony over the body of work covered in black velvet furnerary cloths and encircled by red carnations. The dirt gathered for the previous performance was sprinkled over the body of work and the circle was closed, followed by a gathering of the circle-casting stones with were taken away by the attendees.
December 1 –
Circle-casting Multilogue – This performance included a circle-casting involving an invocation of light and crystal intelligence as well as a multilogue which invited attendees to relate their own stories and experiences with light. A calling of the corners modified to consider physical optics was recited, followed by the encircling of the gallery, body of work, and participants with a line of mixed crystal gravel containing refuse pieces of black tourmaline, rose quartz, labradorite, clear quartz, and lapis lazuli.
December 2 –
Sol Star-light Activation – During an afternoon session the artist and participants explored the light from our local star through reflective and refractive media including: holograms, prisms, mirrors, and crystals. We discussed the life-giving properties of light and used a pile of dirt gathered from a local park to investigate our place in the ecosystem, solar system, galaxy, and universe.
December 15 –
Laser-light Séance – In a recreation of a classic spiritualist séance, the artist invoked messages and images from varying materials including objects brought by attendees. All attendees were then connected by laser light —each holding a small mirror—in a reflected-light sigil-drawing ceremony.
December 16 –
Circle-closing Epilogue – The artist, curator, and participants held a wake ceremony over the body of work covered in black velvet furnerary cloths and encircled by red carnations. The dirt gathered for the previous performance was sprinkled over the body of work and the circle was closed, followed by a gathering of the circle-casting stones with were taken away by the attendees.

Images by Katherine Finkelstein © 2018